Neural Quines

Neural Quines

Code on Github: Quines are programs that take no input and output their own source code. Can we do something like that with a neural network? Specifically: Can we train a neural network to output its own weights? We are effectively looking for fixpoints, where f(x, W) = W, such that f is a neural network constructed out of […]

Sword Mechanics for VR

Sword Mechanics for VR

A playable demo of this project can be downloaded here.  You’ll need a SteamVR-compatible setup with tracked controllers. The lack of force feedback in VR systems is an interesting limitation when it comes to game design. Many real-world interactions that VR games might like to incorporate only work because your hands don’t always move exactly the way you want them to. Everything from not being able to stick your hand through a table, […]

img2plot – Artistic Line Drawings from Images

img2plot – Artistic Line Drawings from Images

I recently published img2plot, a Python script that generates artistic pen-plotter sketches from arbitrary images. A lot of plotter projects have code for drawing images.  Usually they do something with line density and pixel intensities – a semi-random stippling or wave pattern, for example, with smoothly higher density for darker pixels.  These can very faithfully represent the image, but they […]